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How to Maintain Oral Hygiene with Braces?

A smile is the most beautiful ornament one can wear!

Many turn hesitant when they have braces on. Especially, if they face cleaning issues with the braces interrupting. Oral hygiene may become difficult with braces, metal brackets, and wires on the teeth.

Are you one among those who find it cumbersome to maintain oral hygiene?

Then this post is for you. Read on how to maintain oral hygiene with braces to keep the teeth healthy, and free of germs and bacteria.

Why  Oral  Hygiene is of  Paramount Importance?

Caring for the teeth properly and protecting them from dental issues like gingivitis and tartar need a concerted effort from your end. Unless you don’t practice the right method for cleaning especially during orthodontic treatment like braces, the teeth may become a haven for bacteria and germs. It will lead to excruciating pain, and would eventually destroy your teeth.

Tooth decay and bad breath are the most common problems that occur due to a lack of proper hygiene. It can affect your confidence in interacting with people closely. Bacteria can cause plaque and would result in irretrievable dental conditions.  This means you must pursue healthy dental practices to prevent such ailments from occurring.

Tips to Maintain a Healthy Oral Hygiene with Braces


 Most things appear hard before trying them personally. Never go for opinions from people around you. Different people, different perceptions, and hence different opinions. They may try to demotivate you narrating how strenuous it is to clean the teeth with braces.

In reality, cleaning the teeth with braces is easier than you think!

  • Brush At least Twice a Day: Brush after you eat. Use a soft brush only. Avoid hard or medium bristles. Those can damage your gums and enamel. Ensure that food particles are not left on the braces or on the teeth.
  • Brush Carefully: Don’t put the brush on the gum. Brush below the brace brackets and at the gum-line. Use the brush at an angle of 45 degrees for better results.

Read to Know: Ultimate Guide for Choosing the Right Toothpaste 

  • Flossers: Using floss daily is another useful method. You can consider using water flossers or interdental brushes.
  • Use Mouthwash: Mouthwash is effective for eliminating bacterial accumulation in the mouth. Take the prescribed quantity of mouthwash, swish it for thirty seconds to one minute, and spit.
  • Periodic Visits to the Dentist: Visiting the best dentist in Kochi periodically can make sure that the teeth are in healthy condition.
  • Avoid Consumption of Some Food Items when You Have Braces On: Some food items can get stuck on the braces and be difficult to remove. The food remnants can cause tooth decay and other problems. Avoid the items including the following during this period:
    • Jellybeans
    • Nuts
    • Popcorn
    • Hard candies
    • Caramel candy
    • Carbonated drinks
  • Brush the Interior Surface of Teeth As Well: People often concentrate on the externally visible portion of the teeth. You must clean the internal surface of the teeth as well.
  • Ask Advice from the Dentist: Do not hesitate in asking for suggestions and advice from the dentist. She/he would be able to give you guidance based on the condition and alignment peculiarity of your teeth.

    Things that Can Affect Oral Hygiene with Braces


Some types of food items, individual habits, and a careless approach are the main villains here. These things will simply help you to derail your efforts to make sure how to maintain oral hygiene with braces. Control on those, at least for the period when you are wearing braces, will have a positive effect.

  • Careless Brushing: You might be following the wrong brushing method. More often than not, it leads to the weakening of teeth and issues associated with it. A careless brushing, usage of a low-quality brush, and a brush with hard bristles can damage tooth enamel, the protective substance against tooth decay.  Abide by the right brushing technique meticulously.
  • Diet Habits: Junk food, sugary substances, carbonated drinks, etc are enemies of your teeth. We are not saying you to stop consuming them completely. It would be better if you can limit the consumption during the period when you have braces on your teeth. As a matter of fact, these food items are harmful to your overall health also. Hence, it is best if you can stop or maintain oral hygiene with braces effectively.
  • Smoking: Smoking is not only injurious to your lungs but also to your teeth. The tar content in cigarettes is going to damage your teeth. Once it is stuck on the teeth, it will be tough (often, impossible) to remove.

  Read to KnowHow Smoking Affects Your Teeth?  

  • Food Remnants: Brushing after every meal is suggested especially for those wearing braces on teeth. There are higher chances of tooth decay if the bacteria start acting on the food remnants. It is better to remove the remnants without any delays
  • Read to Know:  Common Symptoms of Tooth Decay

The Conclusion

You can maintain oral hygiene even with braces, without much difficulty. Observing healthy brushing practices, and stop consuming food items unhealthy for teeth are the predominant factors for enjoying a healthy dental condition.

The basic points to remember are:

  • Brushing properly
  • Brush at an angle of 45 degrees, using a soft-bristled brush
  • Avoiding sticky food items
  • Brushing after every meal (or at least twice a day)
  • Using mouthwash to eliminate bacteria
  • Flossing daily
  • Consulting dentist periodically

Do you have any doubts regarding dental hygiene with braces?

Do contact us now.